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How to beat Quitter’s Day

New Year, New Me is the mantra so many people tell themselves, but studies show that less than three weeks later most of us are already falling short when it comes to keeping to those health and fitness goals. Whilst 80% of all New Year resolutions fail year on year1, it is 13 January – known as Quitter’s Day – when fitness resolutions are most likely to fall by the wayside.

Furthermore, despite best intentions to work out in the New Year, research by Peloton reveals that enthusiasm quickly wanes and motivation amongst those who kick off the year with workout goals drops to just above two per cent by February2.

Results from this research also show that Brits would like to double the hours of their weekly exercise – and almost two-thirds (58%) would like to increase the intensity of their workout3. However, for many, it is a matter of motivation, a factor supported by psychiatrist Dr. Pooja Lakshmin MD who says the biggest enemy is “procrastination” and that motivation will come as soon as you take your first steps: “When it comes to procrastination and motivation – it’s much easier to feel motivated once you’ve already gotten moving.” 

Quitter’s Day also marks the start of gym drop-off – while gyms see a huge uptake in membership in January, less than six months later half of the new members have left4. Peloton, on the other hand, sees that 92% of households who join in the New Year are still active a year later.

According to Dr Pooja Lakshmin, everyone is different when it comes to establishing their own reason to “get up and go”. She has, in collaboration with Peloton, identified five Motivation Languages that speak to the different ways that people are motivated both in fitness and in life – Having Fun, Achieving Goals, Building Community, Positive Affirmations and Tough Love (see notes to editors for full descriptions).

Consequently, to support and help people smash through the metaphorical motivational wall and beat Quitter’s Day, Peloton Instructor and mindful motivation expert Ally Love has created a four-point plan that is both fun and easy to follow:

  1. NAME IT 
  • Establish that one thing you want to do.
  • Write in detail what that will feel like while doing it.
  • Write out what it will feel like when you’ve reached that goal.
  • What will be the following step, once you have reached this goal?
  1. CLAIM IT 
  • Announce it to all your friends, followers, and family. This creates accountability and a network to help you stay the course.
  • You can also recruit folks on this journey with you. Whether they are doing part or all of it.
  1. PAINT IT 
  • Create a vision board or even a phone wallpaper that reminds you of your goal.
  • Be sure to have visual cues of your new goal in the areas that you most visit. Ideally work, and bathroom.
  1. GAME IT 
  • Create a realistic schedule that works with your lifestyle. Have fun with this one. Try different times to workout, set days to cook interesting new recipes.
  • Create a board that allows you to check off each day. Preferably making it visible to your entire house and/or on social media. Again, this idea of checking things on all our lists makes us feel good/accomplished, and holds us accountable.
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